One of the most confusing and controversial issues in football, the “hand on the ball” or “ball in hand” is the subject of constant discussion. In addition to several topics that categorize the infraction, the rule also leaves room for the interpretation of referees and assistants, who do not always maintain the same criteria when signaling fouls.

One of the most confusing and controversial issues in football, the “hand on the ball” or “ball in hand” is the subject of constant discussion. In addition to several topics that categorize the infraction, the rule also leaves room for the interpretation of referees and assistants, who do not always maintain the same criteria when signaling fouls.
But after all, what characterizes a foul by hand on the ball? Is handball always a penalty? According to the new rules of the International Board (IFAB), the following cases below must be penalized in case of touching with the hand:
- Arm and/or hand away from the body or out of line with the body (even accidentally);
- Occasions that the player projects himself towards the ball;
- Touches on hands or arms positioned above the shoulders;
- Situations in which the player falls with the arm and/or hands projected out of the body;
- When the player scores a goal or creates a chance after touching the ball with his arm and/or hands (even accidentally);
- Occasions in which the player uses part of the arms and/or hands to increase the volume of his torso;
Another important change was in the limits that define what can be considered an arm touch. Only hits past the underarm line count as an offence, while a ball directly between the torso and underarm does not qualify as a hand hit.
In case of accidental handball in offensive plays, only situations that resulted in a direct goal involving the scorer will be penalized.
The new rules were announced in April 2021 and are valid for football leagues worldwide.